Wedding Gown Cleaning


Wedding Gown Cleaning


Whether your gown is an off-the-rack sample or simply ready for a post-wedding clean, our exceptional gown cleaning service is the perfect way to refresh your gown to look as good-as-new.

We have been known to remove makeup, pen marks, dirt, and even red wine stains. With decades of experience, we are able to clean any wedding gown, from satin to silk and everything in between. Gown will be placed in a garment bag, ready to hang in a dry setting away from direct sunlight or even to rewear. For the deepest clean and restoration plus a 100-year guarantee against fabric discoloration, please consider our preservation services.

[NB: Please contact us directly if you purchased your gown at Ellie’s Bridal Boutique. We give our brides a special dry cleaning rate!]

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